Sign up with EQUITAX Today.  Simply fill out the form below and submit to us by clicking the “Submit Agreement” button below.  Soon, you’ll receive and email from us letting you know we have received your agreement and that we are working on your assessment appeal case.

    *Do Not Enter Dashes*

    If your county is not listed please contact our office.

    EQUITAX (hereinafter referred to as “Advisor”) looks forward to representing you before the City/County Taxing Authority. By signing this agreement, you agree that Advisor will be responsible for the property tax program for you (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) and your property(s) as identified above for the year referenced above. After a thorough analysis of all of the value information gathered, Advisor will determine a minimal and defendable tax value. Then Advisor will file an assessment appeal for the year referenced above. We will attempt to negotiate a favorable settlement value with the County Tax Assessor or Board of Assessors (“BOA”). If a favorable value is not established informally at the “BOA” level, Advisor will further appeal the assessment to the Boards of Equalization (“BOE”), Value Adjustment Board (“VAB”), or other recognized quasi-judicial board or authority charged with reviewing/changing erroneous assessment values. As necessary, EQUITAX will prepare and present appeal evidence at scheduled appeal hearings before the BOE, VAB and/or other board or authority in efforts to secure a more equitable, fair and reduced assessed value. EQUITAX has full authority to settle the appeal case at any level and at a value deemed acceptable by EQUITAX.

    For the services described above, Client agrees to pay Consultant one of the following fees (please select one).
    Important Note: Commercial properties valued at $3 million or more will be subject to a fee structure that consists solely of 25% of the first year’s tax savings. No administrative fee will be charged for these properties.

    $250 + 25%: An administrative fee of $250 plus 25% of the first year’s tax savings$150 + 35%: An administrative fee of $150 plus 35% of the first year’s tax savingsFor commercial properties valued at $3 million or more: $0 + 25%: An administrative fee of $0 plus 25% of the first year’s tax savings

    “Tax Savings” is defined as the proposed current year’s assessment minus the current year’s final assessment, times the current year’s tax rate. The administrative fee is due upon engagement. The percentage fee is due after the final assessment reduction is granted by the Tax Assessor, BOE, VAB, and/or other authority and within 30 days of receipt of invoice. EQUITAX will invoice client for any fees owed. Invoices unpaid past 45 days will be subject to interest charges of 18% per year, collection fees, attorney’s fees, court fees and/or other delinquent charges may apply. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by giving the other party 30 days written notice. However, if Client terminates for any reason, EQUITAX retains the right to fully prosecute any and appeals already in progress at the time of termination for the tax year(s) identified herein. Any resulting percentage fees, as well as any unpaid administrative fees, will be due and billed to Client. Our entire liability in representing you and your property(s) in this regard is limited to the compensation you have paid EQUITAX under this agreement. If Client requests a continuance of the appeal(s) to County Superior Court, State Court, or other higher authority, an additional written service agreement and additional fees will be required and are not included or contemplated herein.

    As Shown on your current assessment notice only

    100% current fair market value    

    100% previous fair market value  


    By signing below, I agree and hereby appoint EQUITAX as attorney in fact to negotiate real estate assessment values with the City/County/State Taxing Authorities on my behalf. EQUITAX representatives may schedule, reschedule, and/or postpone appeal hearings, may sign value settlement agreements, consents, or other documents, and may otherwise represent Client's interests for purposes of reducing the assessed value and associated property taxes on the above referenced property. This authorization automatically revokes all earlier authorizations or power(s) of attorney for the same tax matters for year(s) stated above.

    (Your computer IP address will be captured upon submission for legal verification purposes.)

    If you do not receive a confirmation immediately after submitting, please contact our office or try again